Prayer Focus: John & Gwen Johnson

John & Gwen Square.png

We believe that prayer is powerful and effective. Typically, each week, the Leadership Council for Northern California, Northern Nevada, Guam and Hawaii encourages the body to join with them in prayer for one of the churches within our district. This week, following a visit from John & Gwen, and hearing about their ministry, we invite you to join with us before the Lord on their behalf.

Specific Direction:

  • John and Gwen have been involved in cross-cultural ministry for over 40 years, but they have only been in this role in Africa since January 2020. We are praying for the continued building of beneficial connections to national leaders in the region, for the benefit of the Gospel.

  • We are asking for further connection and unity between the Church of God churches across Africa.

We are humbled and grateful for the opportunity to petition our God for
John & Gwen Johnson, alongside each of you.