Prayer Focus: Vintage Church


Each week, the Leadership Council for Northern California, Northern Nevada, Guam and Hawaii focuses some of their prayer time on one of the churches within our district. We believe that prayer is powerful and effective, and so we invite you to join with us before our Lord on behalf of our brothers and sisters.

Specific Direction:

  • We are joining Pastor Timothy Stewart and his wife, Tara in prayer for a worship leader for Vintage Church.

  • Also, for Vintage Church's Alpha classes to continue to grow, and that those attending would meet Jesus.

  • In addition, we’re asking for more connections in the Lodi community.

  • Finally, for their brand new youth ministry, SIX33, that students would meet Jesus.

Thank you for partnering with us.

We are humbled and grateful for the opportunity to petition our God

for Vintage Church, alongside each of you.