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Book Recommendation: Our Iceberg is Melting

Pastor Greg Kaiser from Antelope Road Christian Fellowship is pretty much always reading something with his staff. Right now, they’re working their way through Our Iceberg is Melting.

Q & A with Pastor Greg Kaiser, Pastor Conrad Carroll, and fellow staffer Sheri Marrotte.

Adriene: “Why this book?”

Pastor Greg: “When I’m choosing a book for my staff to read, the first question I ask myself, is, ‘What do they need?’ Our Iceberg is Melting is about helping a group of people navigate change they did not ask for. I know, no one can relate to that right now! Ha!”

Adriene: “Definitely true. Conrad, how has this book changed the way you see, think, or operate in ministry?”

Pastor Conrad: “It has helped me see the importance of culture and tradition. People put a high value on ‘normal,’ and Our Iceberg is Melting has helped me understand how to navigate changing that ‘normal’ within a group. In ministry, we become creatures of habit. However, we know that we aren’t saved by our habits, but by our Lord. And even if our habits, culture and norms change, our God still hasn’t changed at all.”

Adriene: “Greg, I love that your staff all reads together, even though it’s probably not very common within our culture these days. Sheri, what benefit do you think the congregation and ministry at Antelope Road Christian Fellowship gain from having their staff read books like Our Iceberg is Melting?”

Sheri: “I think that it has been extremely helpful to read this (book) at this point and time in our church history. I don’t know if you are aware, but we are in the process of going through a name change. We have been Antelope Road Christian Fellowship for a long time, however, we sold part of our property and in doing so, actually lost the parcel that is on Antelope Road. We are seeing personalities come out in ways we never have before, and it’s a wonderful reminder that it takes lots of different people to have a healthy church. Change is inevitable. How we go through those changes and respond to them, is what can set us apart.”

So there you have it, folks. Our Iceberg is Melting is on Pastor Greg’s shelf, as well as that of every other staff member at Antelope Road Christian Fellowship. But don’t take my word for it — maybe take Sheri’s instead. in closing, she says, “I would highly recommend this book. The author truly understands people groups, and how to motivate change.” Take a moment to read the blurb below, and if it sounds like something you might enjoy, you can grab your own copy here.

From the Back Cover

Our Iceberg Is Melting is a simple story about doing well under the stress and uncertainty of rapid change. Based on the award-winning work of Harvard Business School’s John Kotter, it can help you and your colleagues thrive during tough times…based on John Kotter's pioneer­ing research into the eight steps that can produce needed change in any sort of group. After finishing the story, you'll have a powerful framework for influencing your own team, no matter how big or small.